x 30
DESIGNER: Yusin / Han Lu
YEAR: 2021
CLIENT: 古善合制
x 30 is a high-end candy gift box from Gu Shan He Zhi. Due to the high cost of raw materials and the processing limitations, this product costs and sells at almost the highest price in the market for similar
products. The consumption recommendation for the product is: three pills per day for thirty days. We believe that breaking down the overall thirty-day experience into thirty different experiences will greatly
improve consumers' experience in the process of using it.. Therefore, we designed thirty individually small products, each marked with a number on the packaging, from 1 to 30, prompting the user to
take it each day for thirty days. The products that the user picks up each day are individual, different and easy to carry. The gift box is made from transparent material, allowing the user to get a
glimpse of the thirty beautifully presented small packages when purchasing the product, increasing
curiosity and trust in the product.
x 30 是古善合制推出的一款高端压片糖果礼盒,由于原料成本的高昂以及加工方式的限制,这款产品的成本和售价在市场同类产品中几乎是最高的。这款产品的食用建议是:每天 3 颗,共 30 天。我们认为,将 30 天的整体体验拆解为 30 次不同的分次体验,会很大程度地提升消费者在使用过程中的感受。因此,我们设计了 30 个独立的小包装,每个小包装上标有数字,从 1 到 30,提示用户连续 30 天每天食用。用户每天取用的产品都是独立的、不同的,且便于携带。礼盒使用了透明材料,用户在购买产品时,可以一窥 30 个精美的小包装,增加了对产品的好奇心和信任度。