UNFOLD 上海艺术书展
ART DIRECTOR: Guang Yu 2020
ART DIRECTOR: Nod Young 2019
DESIGNER: Guang Yu 2020
DESIGNER: Nod Young /GaoHan 2019
MOTION GRAPHIC: Sun Yanjie 2020, 2019
YEAR: 2018 - 2020
CLIENT: 香蕉鱼书店
The key visual of Shanghai Art Book Fair "UNFOLD" uses what may be the most fashionable
visual elements of the moment. Art Book Fair is a cultural activity that faces the public and has a trendy nature. It is lively, plentiful, perverse with a considerable degree of unconventional
meaning. Therefore, we choose a design language that is familiar to the public but beyond the relevant fields, and emphasize its currency and activeness in conflicts, which is our
understanding of the image of UNFOLD, sort of like wine-when we face up to the bottle, the year information is very important.
上海艺术书展的主视觉,使用了可能属于当下最流行的视觉元素。艺术书展,本来就是一个面向公众的、具有潮流性质的文化活动。它热闹、丰富、乖张,具备相当程度上的反常规意味。因此,选用一种公众熟悉的、但又跳脱于相关领域的设计语言,在冲突中强调其当下性和活跃度,这就是我们对 UNFOLD 书展形象的理解。有点儿像是葡萄酒,当我们正视酒瓶时,年份信息非常重要。