虎 Tiger
YEAR: 2021
CLIENT: Cheers Publishing & Founder Type
Words are the most important part of culture, and font is the medium through which they engage with
people. We were commissioned by Cheers Publishing to work with Founder Type to design a silk scarf for the Year of the Tiger 2022. Combining the characteristics of both brands, we set the theme
in the relationship between culture and words. The scarf design is composed of 22 tiger characters, each of which uses a different font, from the most widely used Founder Lanting black to Mr. Lu Xun's
handwriting, from the elegant and graceful Qing Ke Ben Yue Song to the amicable and friendly Coca-Cola Care Font ... The different fonts symbolize the richness and diversity of the Chinese world.
At the same time, the leaping, galloping and tumbling 'tiger' will bring people a happy, lively and
prosperous feeling, wishing everyone in the Chinese world happiness and health and all the best
in the New Year.
文字是文化中最重要的部分,字体是文字与人接触的媒介。我们接受湛庐文化委托,联合方正字库设计了2022 虎年新年礼品丝巾。综合两家品牌的形象特征,我们将设计的主题设定在文化与文字的关系中。丝巾的图案由 22 个不同形态的虎字组合而成,每个虎字选用不同的字体,从应用最为广泛的方正兰亭黑体到鲁迅先生的手写体,从俊雅优美的清刻本悦宋体到友好亲切的可口可乐体……字体种类的跨度和广度象征着中文世界的丰富与多样。同时,跳跃的、奔腾的、翻滚的“虎”将带给人们开心热闹、蒸蒸日上的喜庆感觉,在疫情仍未散去的新年,祝福中文世界中的每个人都能幸福健康,万事如意。