YEAR: 2022
CLIENT: Alexvi
This is a collection of cell phone photos by photographer Alexvi, all of which were taken “absent-minded” by the photographer with his iPhone. The reason I use the word “absent-minded” is due to it is difficult to determine which elements in each photograph are worthy of being captured when examining them individually. It is only when the photos are organized together into a thick pile that the commonality and interest between the photos are revealed, and it turns out that there is an “emoji” on each photo. To convey this indifference visually, I incorporated a photograph into the cover’s title, which necessitates the reader lifting the document to access it. Essentially, this is a sneak peek. In contrast to the seriousness of turning the page and reading it “absent-minded”, this little glance is the beginning of this attitude. In addition, the page numbers in this collection are all handwritten, which is another area of absent-mindedness. Finally, the contents of this photo book are disorganized, despite the fact that they are numbered; this constitutes the third instance of absent-minded.
这是一本摄影师黎晓亮的手机摄影集,收录其中的所有照片都是摄影师用 iPhone 手机在生活中“漫不经心”地拍摄的。之所以说是“漫不经心”,是当我们逐一观察这些摄影作品时,很难从画面中明确读取到那些值得被拍摄的内容。而也只有当众多照片被整理在一起、形成厚厚的一沓时,照片间的共性和趣味才得以显现,原来每张照片上都有一幅“颜文字”(emoji)。我希望能将这种漫不经心的情绪通过设计表达出来,于是在封面的标题上贴了一张照片,读者需要掀起照片来才能看到标题,而这个小动作非常像是偷偷地瞄上一眼,与郑重其事地翻开、一页一页地仔细阅读对比起来,这瞄一眼的小动作就是漫不经心的开始。此外,这本摄影集中涉及的页码都是手写的,这是另一处漫不经心所在。最后,这本摄影集虽然标有页码,但内容却是乱序的,这是第三处关于漫不经心的设定。