Apartment Blossom
YEAR: 2021
CLIENT: Apartment Blossom
While the apartment buildings of the 1990s in China only met the basic housing needs, the act of encapsulating balconies maximized the aesthetic and security needs for private space. Two tutors and over
200 researchers worked for several months to collect and collate the urban landscape left over from this period in the form of a model, which has been assembled into a book, providing a valuable resource
for studying the urban evolution in China. At the same time, these models are aesthetically pleasing in their own right - are they simply research tools? Do they have a meaningful existence on their own?
The 'Degree Zero' model is therefore one of the key topics discussed in this book. The cover of this book is the result of our attempt to model the "grid system", a tool in graphic design. We wanted this to
be a dialogue between graphic design and space design, a dialogue about 'Degree Zero'.
中国90年代的公寓楼只解决了人们对于居住的基本需求,而封装阳台这种行为则最大程度的满足了人们对私密空间的审美和安全性的需要。2位导师与200多位研究人员,通过几个月的采集整理,将这一时期遗留下来的城市风貌以模型的形式呈现出来,并集结成书,为中国的城市进化的研究提供了宝贵的资料。同时,这些模型自身也颇具美感,它们只是单纯的研究工具?是否具备独立存在的意义?所以,“零度”模型也是这本书讨论的重要话题之一。本书的封面,是我们尝试将平面设计中的工具——“网格系统Grid system”,模型化的一个结果。我们希望这是一次平面设计与空间设计之间,一次关于零度的对话。