Child Cake
ART DIRECTOR: Guang Yu / Nod Young
YEAR: 2019
CLIENT: 廿一客 21 Cake
When we designed this child cake for 21 Cake, we tried to imagine our childhood cravings for
a piece of cake: a colorful dream, a group of mighty animals, a mouthful of sweet cream… This is the dream in the heart of a child. In the relationship between animals and cakes, we
retained the original design concept: children together with their parents, put the animals on the cake. This behavior bears their sweet memories of placing candles on cakes with their
families in the childhood.
我们为廿一客设计这款儿童蛋糕时,努力想象儿时对于一块蛋糕的渴望:一个色彩缤纷的梦,一群浩浩荡荡的动物,一口香香甜甜的奶油 …… 这就是孩子心中的梦想。在动物与蛋糕的关系上,我们保留了最初的设计构想:让孩子和父母一起,把动物们放在蛋糕上。这个行为承载了童年时与家人一起在蛋糕上布置蜡烛的美好回忆。